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Water Softener


Water softening  is the reduction of calcium and magnesium from water to lower total hardness. This is achieved through the ion exchange process, resulting in significant savings on soap and laundry products, as well as increased longevity of appliances (hot water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines) due to reduction of lime scale formation. The process employs a variety of ion exchange resins, depending on the application.





Our Water Softener System will eradicate Lime from your kitchen and bathroom.  As a result, water appliances will run better and last longer, reducing energy costs and appliance repair costs.

Dish Washer

Clothes benefit from being washed in soft water, as they will feel softer, the fabric will last longer and light coloured clothes will stay lighter for longer.


Softer water is also kinder on skin and hair as the harsh minerals are removed.

Baby Clothes
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